USXW666#100: Merry Tuesday



AHHHHHHHHHHH IT'S USXW NUMBER ONE HUNDRED* HOLY CRAP! I'm so so grateful to everyone who's been following us from the beginning and enjoying our comics!  I hope you continue to enjoy the shenanigans of USXW Local 666 and all of its occupants.  Much love <3 - blueJane

I am both floored by and grateful for the sheer number of people who take time out of their week to read my silly little words on Jane's silly little pictures. Writing professionally has been a dream of mine since I was very very little and even though the format is very different from anything I could have imagined at the age of seven, I am both proud and humbled by the work and the reception. We could not have gotten where we are without all of your help and support. Every comment, every new face and every piece of fan art reminds me what a wonderful community we've built. To 100 Comics and to hundreds more. -Adzy